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About Us
Lake Brandt Veterinary Hospital (LBVH) is a full-service, privately owned companion animal hospital located in Greensboro, NC. We understand the special role your pet plays in the family and are committed to treating your pet as we would our own. Our services and facilities are designed to assist in detection and treatment of disease as your pet ages. The team here at LBVH is dedicated to becoming a trusted partner in your pet’s health care.

Our Mission: We are committed to treating your pet as we would our own!
Featured Breed and Pet
Have you ever wanted a gentle pet that is dog-like in personality but is a cat? If you answer yes, the Maine Coon cat is for you. This large domesticated cat is one of the oldest natural breeds of cats in North America.
A bit of history…the Maine Coon is believed to have naturally developed in Northeastern United States. They are 100% housecats descending from cats brought to America by settlers. They evolved to be quite large and hardy as it was necessary for the cats to survive and thrive in the harsh winters of the New England area (especially popular in Maine).
These solid, rugged looking cats are well proportioned and balanced despite their large size. They have long, muscular, rectangular shaped bodies with large chests. The Maine Coon’s head is somewhat longer in length than width featuring high cheekbones, a distinctive muzzle, and large tufted ears. Their coat is heavy and shaggy. And, look at those large round paws with tufts of hair popping up from the toes. The breed comes in many different colors and patterns (see Interesting Facts listed below).
These cats are friendly, gentle and self-assured. They take most everything in stride but are inquisitive and will go where the action is in the house. These gentle giants are great as playmates with gentle children and cohabitates well with other household pets to include other cats and cat-friendly dogs.
Despite the stereotype that cats tend to not like water, the Maine Coons often love water and will even play in it, bathe in it and dip food in it. You might also see a Maine Coon taking a swim since they don’t mind the wet stuff.
Paws (pictured below) was named after the Detroit Tiger’s mascot. Mom tells us that when Paws is not sleeping, he enjoys playing with catnip toys and getting attention from his ‘pawrents.’ She says, “he’s the sweetest most gentle soul.”.

Interesting Facts About Maine Coon Cats:
- WEIGHT: Average weight for a Maine Coon is between 9 to 18 pounds. However, males can weigh 20 pounds or more.
- LENGTH: Average length is usually between 19 to 30 inches.
- LIFE EXPECTANCY: 12 to 15 years
- COAT COLOR: Solid (white, black, blue, red and cream), tabby (classic, mackerel and ticked), bi-color (black and white, blue and white, red and white, cream and white), parti-color (tortoiseshell and blue-cream), parti-color and white (calico, tortoiseshell and white, blue-cream and white), shaded and smoke, and shaded/smoke and white
- EYE COLOR: Varies according to coat color, but may be green, gold, green-gold, copper, blue or odd-eyed